85% of employees recommend us

The most competitive compensation in the industry

  • Hourly rates between $15.25 to $23 based on your position and location*

  • Generous incentive plans varying by job type

  • Company-paid training

  • Preimums offered for bilingualism and weekend shifts for eligible positions

  • All employees are eligible for the benefits plan, including life insurance, long-term medical and dental, accidental and dismemberment, disability

  • Group RRSP

  • Great discounts on telecommunications products and services for eligible positions

* Includes premiums on hours worked. Departure rates for certain services are lower.

We recognize our best

In addition to our regular incentive compensation, we also recognize our superstars, our champions and the unsung heroes.

And we like to have fun

Nordia has social committees at each of its centres. We enjoy BBQs in summer, pizza days in winter. We celebrate Halloween, Valentine's Day and many other holidays throughout the year. Sometimes we even create our own! 

Halloween at the Laval, QC location

We care

Nordia employees are active in their community. The Nordia Employee Emergency Fund provides help for employees in times of need.

We respect diversity

We honor the traditions, beliefs, lifestyles, capabilities and perspectives of all members of our team. We nurture a culture of acceptance, appreciation and integration.

Nordia is a place to grow and thrive

We want our employees to stay and grow with us. We offer career-pathing opportunities, continuous training and development and the possibility to move to any of our centres in Canada.

More than 8 employees out of 10 recommend us!

For the tenth year in a row, more than 8 employees out of 10 said they would recommend Nordia as an employer to friends and family. That is an industry-best endorsement of our company, our values and the way we work.

The best place to work.